Meet the Team

Meet the Team

Get to know the people behind Forage + Bloom.

A small but mighty team of people full of passion, care, and a hope to make a difference where we can.



Who does it all 

Q : Tell us a bit about the beginning of Forage + Bloom  

A : My background is in hospitality and it was the alchemy of brewing coffee that sparked my interest  in plants and their benefits. After graduating as a herbalist, naturopath and nutritionist, I lived in Rome and was  intrigued by how the locals used dried herbs for therapeutics as opposed to the liquid herbs that we mostly prescribe here. I love the concept that herbal infusions can have a profound effect on our health while being delicious, gentle and easy to fit into a lifestyle. 

Q : Do you have a favourite aspect of running the business?  

A : My favourite part would have to be when people really enjoy the teas and what they do - it’s so rewarding knowing that my little idea is actually reaching people and making a difference. Actually there are so many favourite parts - I love connecting with people and being involved in hospitality, it’s such a fun industry with so many passionate people, and I love seeing people get creative with our teas! I also love being an entrepreneur; it's exciting to be in that mindset – thinking about innovation and how I can use my skills and passion to do good in the world. I get a kick out of creative problem solving, owning and running a business gives me plenty of opportunity to practice that skill. I’m so lucky to have an amazing team helping me bring it all to life!

Q : Have you always had a desire to pursue herbalism?  

A : I have memories from childhood of picking roses, pulling off the petals, collecting water from the river into a jar and infusing the rose petals. Without even knowing, I was making rose water and I used to have it sitting on my dresser and use it as perfume. I also loved to make my parents their cups of tea - I distinctly remember wanting to get it just how they each liked it - funny how there can be little clues that follow through to later in life. I don’t know that I necessarily knew ‘what I wanted to be when I grew up’, but I’m not surprised I am where I am today. It makes sense.


Q : What lessons have you learnt during it all?  

A : Trust your instincts, always come from a genuine and authentic place, work hard and make sure to rest. 


Q : Tell us a little more about you and your passions, outside of Forage + Bloom  

A : I’m a nature lover, I enjoy hiking, beach-going, sunshine and fresh air. I love spending time with my darling partner, and friends, dining out, music, and being a part of my amazing supportive family. I read and listen to lots of podcasts about psychology and have a fascination with how the brain works.


Q : What does your day-to-day in the business look like?  

A : My day to day spans pretty much every aspect of the business; from developing the business, chatting with new and existing customers, putting orders together, dispatching and delivering orders and stopping in to say hi to our lovely customers. I usually have daily coms with Ella about what we're talking about online and what I have lined up next in the ideas department. I always have lots of things on the go and am never short on new ideas for where Forage + Bloom can go next. I like that side of it :-)


Q : Do you have a favourite tea from the range?  

A : That’s like asking if you have a favourite child - but honestly, I love them all for different reasons and for different times. I developed the range for myself as much as anyone else, I drink all the teas! At the moment I’m on the Clarify in the morning buzz, and it is quite a buzz, sets me up for the day. In the evening I love relaxing with Repose, I sometimes brew it with a little cinnamon for a bit of sweet and spice and all things nice. Salvation is a classic, I always love Revive... see I could go on about them all - that's what I do in my tastings when I present the range to new customers, highlight why each blend is special to me :-) It's too hard to pick a favourite!


Q : Favourite quote?

A : Enjoy your life!




who guides Forage + Bloom in the right direction

Q : How did you become a part of the Forage + Bloom team?

A : I’m very lucky to count Hannah as one of my lifelong friends, both professionally and personally we have grown up alongside each other.  She is such an impressive business woman, intuitive and passionate about her craft and I take inspiration from her on the daily.  We are close confidantes across all aspects of our lives and I am proud to play even a small part in the story of Forage + Bloom, sharing my brand and marketing experience and knowledge from the coffee industry.


Q : What’s your favourite aspect of the work you do with Forage + Bloom?

A : Forage + Bloom is such a unique and special product and brand, I’m honoured to have the opportunity to work with Hannah on understanding how best to tell such an incredible brand story to the world.  Everyone should be drinking F+B as part of their daily routine!


Q : Tell us a bit more about you - and your passions

A : I’m Jets, a vinyl collector, amateur gardener, negroni drinker, travel enthusiast and lover of finding nature whenever I can to reconnect with myself and the land I’m on at any given opportunity.  I am originally from NZ, and lived in Germany and the UK before settling in Melbourne in the mid 2000s.  I’m lucky enough to have made a career in specialty coffee which has taken me all over the world, working for various coffee roasteries and now heading up marketing nationally for La Marzocco espresso machines in Australia.


Q : Do you have a favourite tea from the range?

A : It has to be Salvation, there is something in drinking this tea either hot or cold that soothes me and is a great replacement for caffeine when one more coffee is not a great idea, the kawakawa being so uniquely kiwi takes me home in my mind.


Q : Favourite quote?

A : “We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out” – Ray Bradbury




who hand blends each tea with love

Q : Tell us a bit about you

A : I'm Charmaine, Hannah's Mama, Mumzy, Mother, Mum, also Grandma, friend, daughter, sister in law, early childhood teacher, ex midwife and hairdresser...and I live in beautiful Tauranga with Hannah's dad, Donald. We have daily contact with our other daughter Jessie and her 2 children (7 and 5yrs) so I'm busy and love it!


Q : How did you become a part of the Forage + Bloom team?

 A : I started working with Hannah a couple of years ago - I jumped at the opportunity, because it means that I get to spend some quality time with my lovely girl for a couple of days a month, and I really enjoy blending the herbs into beautiful teas.


Q : What’s your specialty within the team?

A : As well as blending, I pack a month's worth of wholesale bags, pack some retail boxes, sample packs, do dispatch, and clean F+B Headquarters. Hannah has very high standards so there's been a lot to learn. I love it that Hannah trusts me to do her work without her being there.


Q : Do you have a favourite tea from the range? 

A : It's so hard to pick a favourite tea...Repose is gorgeous to look at, and Nurture tastes wonderful. 


Q : Words to live by?

A : Best advice I've received...Live everyday to the full and LOVE LOVE LOVE. ( I probably made that up). I also read new inspiring posts on Facebook every day so have a looong Inspirational Quotes folder on Pinterest.


Q : What makes the team special in your eyes

A : We're so proud of Hannah and the way she is developing over the years, with a lovely blend of people skills, naturopathic/herbal skills, and now an astute business woman. We are here as a Team because Hannah recognises the wisdom in asking for help and support.



who connects Forage + Bloom with you

Q : How did you become a part of the Forage + Bloom team?

A : I started working for Hannah during the start of this lockdown ~ an unconventional first few months of the job spent chatting over the phone and working together via email. We finally met in person after talking for months, and luckily we’re still here :—)) It’s great to work with someone who is so open and passionate about what they do.  


Q : What’s your favourite aspect of the work you do with Forage + Bloom?

A : Being a pretty small team, I think everyone takes on a flexibility and initiative to make it happen. I really like that aspect - having variety and input across multiple areas. But mostly I love using my creative skills, all while learning more about herbalism from the wealth of knowledge that is Hannah. It’s kind of the perfect combination for me.

It has also made me appreciate how much work and personal care goes into running a small business. From someone who carefully places each label on the product, to replying to each of you who get in touch with us.


Q : What’s your specialty within the team?

A : My work for Forage + Bloom spans across digital marketing, design, and a few other little areas. Alongside Hannah I manage content across our social accounts, email campaigns, Journal, and do some behind the scenes tweaks on the website. I'm also behind the graphic design for our more recent brand collateral, which you may see more of soon if you’re one of our wholesale customers!

Anyone that knows Hannah will agree with me when I say she has no lack of ideas ; so I am here to help bring these to life! Rest assured that Forage + Bloom will always have new things coming for you all.


Q : Tell us about you - and your passions

A : A bit about me ; I’m a design enthusiast, lover of all things creative, and have always had a strong interest in natural health. Outside of that, I’m a pilates/yoga fan and big ocean person. Originally from Papamoa, I’m adjusting to the city life!


Q : Do you have a favourite tea from the range?

A : Nurture! I have tried many a tea (!) but this is unlike anything I’ve had before. Subtle but soothing and calming ~ and I feel good knowing what its doing behind the scenes for my body. 


Q : Favourite quotes?

A : “It always seems impossible until its done” - Nelson Mandela


"If it can be solved, there's no need to worry, and if it can't be solved, worry is of no use" - Dalai Lama




who visually captures the essence of Forage + Bloom

*Words written by Ella, as an interpretation of a chat with Jess

Jess is a freelance photographer, who particularly enjoys styling and photographing food products - creating a visual narrative that really encapsulates the brand story. Jess notes that as people scroll through Instagram or the like, they often don't stop to read, so there is great value in creating a visual that they can read instead.

Having known Hannah for almost 15 years now, working together on Forage + Bloom has become another facet of their friendship. When Hannah wanted someone who could do styling, photography, and had a good understanding of the brand, it all fell into place.

From their first shoot in Hannah’s Auckland home, to their latest work together, Jess has loved seeing the brand grow and develop; “I love the creative shoots we do and how the identity of Forage + Bloom takes shape through Han’s vision”.

In your classic Forage + Bloom shoot, it all comes pretty naturally and they don’t need to work from a run sheet. Hannah is full of ideas and it always turns out well, as is the way of things.

A coffee person at heart (makes sense - her husband used to own a coffee roastery), Forage + Bloom is the first tea that could convince Jess to swap out the occasional coffee for. Pushed for a favourite tea blend, she picks Salvation; refreshing and calming.

Outside of work Jess loves home cooking, tacos, wine, dinners with friends and living at the beach.




who handles the nitty gritty

Q : What’s your favourite aspect of working with Forage + Bloom?

A : On a business level it’s great to see Kiwi businesses supporting fellow small Kiwi businesses rather than mass produced overseas offerings. F+B can even customise blends for clients which is pretty amazing. Not to mention as a country we should be supporting more women in business and as entrepreneurs.

On a personal level I love seeing H go from an idea seedling to a tiny tree working part time still to pay the bills and now to a fully fledged business owner supporting herself and having a team behind her. 


Q : What’s your specialty within the team?

A : Creditors/debtors/GST - all the fun stuff that most SMBs want taken off their hands so they can focus on their passion.


Q : Tell us a little about you 

A : Me - I wear many hats - literally and figuratively 😆  Working remotely supporting my clients in a range of areas including Book-keeping, Payroll, Project Admin and Quality Assurance/Service Delivery. When I’m not working I love spending time with my boy Rhett in ‘his’ new house in Napier and exploring all that region has to offer 🍷 🧀 


Q : Do you have a favourite tea from the range?

A : Bloom - if you aren’t really a tea or coffee drinker like me and tend to prefer water or Champagne then I’d say you need to try Bloom. Aside from the gorgeous passionate red of this tea it tastes fantastic hot or as I prefer it cold, even with a little drop of vodka! 


Q : Words to live by?

A : Gosh way too many! On a personal level “If you’re always trying  to be normal you’ll never know how amazing you can be” - Maya Angelou

On a business level “Turnover is Vanity, Nett Profit is Sanity”


Q : Best tea tip?

A:  Brew up some bloom and then freeze in an ice cube tray and pop out and add either to plain water or into a cocktail!




If you made it this far - thanks for getting to know a bit about our little team! It is with your support that we are able to keep doing what we love, so thank you!


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